
Played Classes

Missions completed

Total runs: 560
1P runs: 14
2P runs: 91
3P runs: 56
4P runs: 69
5P runs: 102
6P runs: 228

Favorite Players

Runs with Devo: 224
Runs with Tillie: 120
Runs with Dark Pai chan: 93
Runs with Hana Floren: 69
Runs with Jaeha: 68
Runs with Fortetecher: 63
Runs with ViPeR: 62
Runs with Demi: 38
Runs with Sunshine: 31
Runs with YOmap: 30
Lauren's Runs
Player Names
Mission Name
Mission Rank
Clear Time
Class Names
Player Count
Player Level
Validation Type
Date Added
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:15:41MasterforceNewman419410/21/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:18:11MasterforceNewman319410/21/2024
LaurenLightning BeastsUltimate00:08:29MasterforceNewman619410/14/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:17:56MasterforceNewman519410/5/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:19:26MasterforceNewman419410/2/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:15:48MasterforceNewman419410/2/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:18:37MasterforceNewman419410/2/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:16:55MasterforceNewman419410/2/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:18:59MasterforceNewman319410/1/2024
LaurenDemons AboveUltimate00:16:00MasterforceNewman519410/1/2024