
Played Classes

Missions completed

Total runs: 36
1P runs: 3
3P runs: 3
4P runs: 6
5P runs: 7
6P runs: 17

Favorite Players

Runs with Demi: 12
Runs with *GaZ: 10
Runs with Tink: 7
Runs with Wiz: 7
Runs with Valentine: 7
Runs with Tyurru: 5
Runs with べんちゃん: 5
Runs with Noxide: 4
Runs with Dark Pai chan: 4
Runs with Fortetecher: 4
Ming's Runs
Player Names
Mission Name
Mission Rank
Clear Time
Class Names
Player Count
Player Level
Validation Type
Date Added
MingWicked InvasionS400:10:25ProtranserHuman51931/10/2025
MingWicked InvasionS400:08:03ProtranserHuman51931/10/2025
MingWicked InvasionS400:07:25MasterforceNewman11921/10/2025
MingWicked InvasionS400:08:09MasterforceNewman11921/9/2025
MingWicked InvasionC00:04:24FortegunnerCAST31941/9/2025
MingPlains OverlordUltimate00:09:48ProtranserHuman619310/15/2024
MingPlains OverlordUltimate00:11:05ProtranserHuman619310/15/2024
MingRed Hot JungleUltimate00:12:29ProtranserHuman519310/15/2024
MingDemons AboveUltimate00:11:58FortegunnerCAST319410/7/2024
MingDemons AboveUltimate00:11:01FortegunnerCAST419410/7/2024